The Floating Market

Since I decided on Coventry city centre market being my site for D1a I’ve signed up to a few blogs and social media pages which give information on local events. The entire area is abuzz with goings-on as the city celebrates being European City of Sport 2019 and UK City of Culture 2021. One of the blogs that I’ve been following is the Coventry Society that recently promoted a floating market: a set of barge boats within the canal basin all set up to invite buyers to purchase a range of creations.

It was useful to make notes on the sort of items on sale and which boats were most popular. All of them emphasised the fact that their produce was not available on the High Street and instead of focusing on cheaper prices, used individuality and personality as their unique selling point.

The difference in method of production was also brought home: hand made items, especially ones which required high levels of skill to produce or utilised traditional techniques were widespread although each had their own distinctiveness.

One of the greatest differences noticed between shopping at somewhere like the floating market and simply popping to Morrisons was the friendliness exhibited. The sellers were glad to see you and actively tried to engage in conversation, not just to build rapport in order to achieve a sale. This was a place of community not simply transaction.

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